
Name & Setting

Allows you to select an assignment name and setting for the specified nodes and entities.

Name Setting
CDS Clock Phase Default|Negative 180|Negative 90| Zero|Positive 90|Positive 180
CLKLOCKx1 Input Frequency On|Off
Clock Enable Routing Peripheral|Single-Pin
Current Strength Default Strength|Min Strength|Max Strength|Strength 2mA|Strength 4mA|Strength 8mA|Strength 12mA|Strength 16mA|Strength 24mA
Decrease Input Delay to Input Register On|Off
Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells On|Off|Large|Medium|Small
Decrease Input Delay to Output Register On|Off
DQS Delay <time>
DQS Frequency <frequency>
DQS Input Reference Clock <string>
DQS Phase Shift Phase of 90 degrees|Phase of 72 degrees
Fast Input Register On|Off
Fast Output Enable Register On|Off
Fast Output Register On|Off
FastRow Interconnect On|Off
FastRow Interconnect Delay <time>
Global Signal On|Off
Implement as Output of Logic Cell On|Off
Increase Clock Enable Delay On|Off|Large|Small
Increase Delay to Output Enable Pin On|Off
Increase Delay to Output Pin On|Off
Increase Input Clock Enable Delay Small|Large|On|Off
Increase Output Clock Enable Delay Small|Large|On|Off
Increase Output Enable Clock Enable Delay Small|Large|On|Off
Increase tzx Delay to Output Pin On|Off
Input Reference As VREFA|As VREFB|Off
Insert Additional Logic Cell On|Off
Local Routing Source On|Off
Logic Cell Insertion <integer>
Manual Logic Duplication <string>
Output Enable Register Duplication On|Off
Output Enable Routing Peripheral|Single-Pin
PLL Compensation On|Off
Row-Global Signal On|Off
Stratix GX Termination Value Off|OCT 100 Ohms||OCT 120 Ohms||OCT 150 Ohms
Termination Off|Series|Parallel|Differential
Virtual Pin On|Off
Virtual Pin Clock <clock name>

See the Description field for a description of options for nodes only.

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