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Specifies which of the following rules you want the Design Assistant to apply when analyzing and generating messages for the current ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, Cyclone, FLEX® 6000, FLEX 10KE, Mercury, Stratix, or Stratix GX design:
If you turn on any of the rules or categories, you direct the Quartus® II software to automatically run the Design Assistant when you compile or perform an analysis or synthesis on the current design.
If you turn on a rule category, such as Clock or Design Assistant configuration rule names, all the rules and categories under that category are automatically turned on. If you turn on a rule or category under one or more upper-level categories, the upper-level category or categories are automatically turned on. Similarly, if you turn off a rule category, all the rules and categories under that category are automatically turned off. If you turn off all the rules and categories under one or more upper-level categories, the upper-level category or categories are automatically turned off.
If you turn on Nodes with high fan-out, Report all nodes with more than <n> fan-outs, and/or Report top <n> nodes with the highest fan-out, you must use the High-Fanout Net Settings dialog box, which is available from the Design Assistant page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu), to specify the nodes you want the Design Assistant to report.
The Design Assistant Settings section of the Compilation Report window lists all the Design Assistant rules, and indicates which rules you turn on.
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