
Nodes With High Fan-Out (Design Assistant Rule)

This rule reports nodes with high fan-out, which can create timing challenges for a design.

You can specify that the Design Assistant use this rule by turning on Nodes with high fan-out, Report all nodes with more than <n> fan-outs, and/or Report top <n> nodes with the highest fan-out in the Design Assistant rules list in the Design Assistant page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu). You can also use the High-Fanout Net Settings dialog box, which is available from the Design Assistant page, to specify the number of nodes you want the Design Assistant to report and/or the number of fan-outs a node must have to be reported. The Design Assistant Settings section of the Compilation Report window lists the options you turn on and the settings you specify.

The Design Assistant lists the nodes in the Messages window, the Messages section of the Compilation Report window, and the Design Assistant Results section of the Compilation Report window.

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