An Altera® device family based on Flexible Logic Element MatriX architecture. This SRAM-based family offers high-performance, register-intensive, high-gate-count devices with embedded arrays. The FLEX 10KE device family includes the EPF10K30E, EPF10K50S, EPF10K100E, EPF10K130E, and EPF10K200S devices.
FLEX 10KE devices are enhanced versions of FLEX 10K® devices, and are function-, pin-, and programming-file-compatible with FLEX 10K devices. FLEX 10KE devices are 2.5-V versions of FLEX 10K devices and have dual-port RAM.
All of the FLEX 10KE devices in the -1X and -2X speed grades include built-in ClockLock® and ClockBoost® phase-locked loop (PLL) circuitry.
All FLEX 10KE and FLEX® 6000 devices can be configured together in a Passive Serial chain, or with data stored in the same configuration device.
You can use device migration to transfer a design from a FLEX 10K device to a larger or smaller SameFrame FLEX 10K device, or to a FLEX 10K device with equivalent pin-outs, while maintaining the same board layout and pin assignments.
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