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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Verilog Simulation

Chapter contents


Incremental compilation

Library usage

Verilog-XL compatible compiler options

Verilog-XL `uselib compiler directive


Invoking the simulator

Simulation resolution limit

Event order issues

Verilog-XL compatible simulator options

Compiling for faster performance

Compiling with -fast

Compiling mixed designs with -fast

Compiling gate-level designs with -fast

Referencing the optimized design

Enabling design object visibility with the +acc option

Using pre-compiled libraries

Cell Libraries

SDF timing annotation

Delay modes

System Tasks

IEEE Std 1364 system tasks

Verilog-XL compatible system tasks


Compiler Directives

IEEE Std 1364 compiler directives

Verilog-XL compatible compiler directives

Verilog PLI/VPI

Registering PLI applications

Registering VPI applications

Compiling and linking PLI/VPI applications

The PLI callback reason argument

The sizetf callback function

PLI object handles

Third party PLI applications

Support for VHDL objects

IEEE Std 1364 ACC routines

IEEE Std 1364 TF routines

Verilog-XL compatible routines

64-bit support in the PLI

PLI/VPI tracing

This chapter describes how to compile and simulate Verilog designs with ModelSim Verilog. ModelSim Verilog implements the Verilog language as defined by the IEEE Std 1364, and it is recommended that you obtain this specification as a reference manual.

In addition to the functionality described in the IEEE Std 1364, ModelSim Verilog includes the following features:

The following IEEE Std 1364 functionality is partially implemented in ModelSim Verilog:

Many of the examples in this chapter are shown from the command line. For compiling and simulating within a project or ModelSim's GUI see:

ModelSim variables

Several variables are available to control simulation, provide simulator state feedback, or modify the appearance of the ModelSim GUI. To take effect, some variables, such as environment variables, must be set prior to simulation. See Appendix A - ModelSim Variables for a complete listing of ModelSim variables.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase