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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Registering VPI applications

Each VPI application must register its system tasks and functions and its callbacks with the simulator. To accomplish this, one or more user-created registration routines must be called at simulation startup. Each registration routine should make one or more calls to vpi_register_systf() to register user-defined system tasks and functions and vpi_register_cb() to register callbacks. The registration routines must be placed in a table named vlog_startup_routines so that the simulator can find them. The table must be terminated with a 0 entry.


PLI_INT32 MyFuncCalltf( PLI_BYTE8 *user_data ) 
{ ... } 
PLI_INT32 MyFuncCompiletf( PLI_BYTE8 *user_data )
{ ... } 
PLI_INT32 MyFuncSizetf( PLI_BYTE8 *user_data )
{ ... } 
PLI_INT32 MyEndOfCompCB( p_cb_data cb_data_p )
{ ... } 
PLI_INT32 MyStartOfSimCB( p_cb_data cb_data_p )
{ ... } 
void RegisterMySystfs( void ) 
      s_cb_data callback; 
      s_vpi_systf_data systf_data; 
      systf_data.type        = vpiSysFunc; 
      systf_data.sysfunctype = vpiSizedFunc; 
      systf_data.tfname      = "$myfunc"; 
      systf_data.calltf      = MyFuncCalltf; 
      systf_data.compiletf   = MyFuncCompiletf; 
      systf_data.sizetf      = MyFuncSizetf; 
      systf_data.user_data   = 0; 
      vpi_register_systf( &systf_data ); 
      callback.reason    = cbEndOfCompile; 
      callback.cb_rtn    = MyEndOfCompCB; 
      callback.user_data = 0; 
      (void) vpi_register_cb( &callback ); 
      callback.reason    = cbStartOfSimulation; 
      callback.cb_rtn    = MyStartOfSimCB; 
      callback.user_data = 0; 
      (void) vpi_register_cb( &callback ); 
void (*vlog_startup_routines[ ] ) () = { 
      0    /* last entry must be 0 */ 

Loading VPI applications into the simulator is the same as described in Registering PLI applications.

PLI and VPI applications can co-exist in the same application object file. In such cases, the applications are loaded at startup as follows:

As a result, when PLI and VPI applications exist in the same application object file, they must be registered in the same manner. VPI registration functions that would normally be listed in a vlog_startup_routines table can be called from an init_usertfs() function instead.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase