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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Compiling and linking PLI/VPI applications

ModelSim Verilog uses operating system calls to dynamically load PLI and VPI applications when the simulator loads a design. Therefore, the applications must be compiled and linked for dynamic loading on a specific operating system. The PLI/VPI routines are declared in the include files located in the ModelSim <install_dir>/modeltech/include directory. The acc_user.h file declares the ACC routines, the veriuser.h file declares the TF routines, and the vpi_user.h file declares the VPI routines.

The following instructions assume that the PLI or VPI application is in a single source file. For multiple source files, compile each file as specified in the instructions and link all of the resulting object files together with the specified link instructions.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase