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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Compiling with the graphic interface

You can use a project or the Compile HDL Source Files dialog box to compile VHDL or Verilog designs. For information on compiling in a project, see "Getting started with projects" . To open the Compile HDL Source Files dialog, select the Compile button (Main window) or Design > Compile.

The Compile HDL Source Files dialog box opens as shown below.

From the Compile HDL Source Files dialog box you can:

Select the Default Options button to change the compiler options, see "Setting default compile options" for details. The same Compiler Options dialog box can also be accessed by selecting Options > Compile (Main window) or by selecting Compile Properties from the context menu in Project tab.

Select the Edit Source button to view or edit a source file via the Compile dialog box. See "Source window" for additional source file editing information.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase