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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Third party PLI applications

Many third party PLI applications come with instructions on using them with ModelSim Verilog. Even without the instructions, it is still likely that you can get it to work with ModelSim Verilog as long as the application uses standard PLI routines. The following guidelines are for preparing a Verilog-XL PLI application to work with ModelSim Verilog.

Generally, a Verilog-XL PLI application comes with a collection of object files and a veriuser.c file. The veriuser.c file contains the registration information as described above in "Registering PLI applications". To prepare the application for ModelSim Verilog, you must compile the veriuser.c file and link it to the object files to create a dynamically loadable object (see "Compiling and linking PLI/VPI applications" ). For example, if you have a veriuser.c file and a library archive libapp.a file that contains the application's object files, then the following commands should be used to create a dynamically loadable object for the Solaris operating system:

% cc -c -I<install_dir>/modeltech/include veriuser.c
% ld -G -o veriuser.o libapp.a 

That's all there is to it. The PLI application is ready to be run with ModelSim Verilog. All that's left is to specify the resulting object file to the simulator for loading using the Veriuser modesim.ini file entry, the -pli simulator option, or the PLIOBJS environment variable (see "Registering PLI applications" ).

Note: On the HP700 platform, the object files must be compiled as position-independent code by using the +z compiler option. Since, the object files supplied for Verilog-XL may be compiled for static linking, you may not be able to use the object files to create a dynamically loadable object for ModelSim Verilog. In this case, you must get the third party application vendor to supply the object files compiled as position-independent code.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase