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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.


The ModelSim simulator can load and simulate both Verilog and VHDL designs, providing a uniform graphic interface and simulation control commands for debugging and analyzing your designs. The graphic interface and simulator commands are described elsewhere in this manual, while this section focuses specifically on Verilog simulation.

Invoking the simulator

A Verilog design is ready for simulation after it has been compiled into one or more libraries. The simulator may then be invoked with the names of the top level modules (many designs contain only one top level module). For example, if your top level modules are "testbench" and "globals", then invoke the simulator as follows:

vsim testbench globals 

Note: When working with designs that contain optimized code, this syntax may vary. Please see "Compiling for faster performance" for details.

If a top-level module name is not specified, ModelSim will present the Load Design dialog box from which you can choose one or more top-level modules. See "Simulating with the graphic interface" for more information.

After the simulator loads the top level modules, it iteratively loads the instantiated modules and UDPs in the design hierarchy, linking the design together by connecting the ports and resolving hierarchical references. By default, all modules and UDPs are loaded from the library named work.

On successful loading of the design, the simulation time is set to zero, and you must enter a run command to begin simulation. Commonly, you enter run -all to run until there are no more simulation events or until $finish is executed in the Verilog code. You can also run for specific time periods (e.g., run 100 ns). Enter the quit command to exit the simulator.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase