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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Verilog-XL compatible routines

The following PLI routines are not defined in IEEE Std 1364, but ModelSim Verilog provides them for compatibility with Verilog-XL.

char *acc_decompile_exp(handle condition) 

This routine provides similar functionality to the Verilog-XL acc_decompile_expr routine. The condition argument must be a handle obtained from the acc_handle_condition routine. The value returned by acc_decompile_exp is the string representation of the condition expression.

char *tf_dumpfilename(void) 

This routine returns the name of the VCD file.

void tf_dumpflush(void) 

A call to this routine flushes the VCD file buffer (same effect as calling $dumpflush in the Verilog code).

int tf_getlongsimtime(int *aof_hightime) 

This routine gets the current simulation time as a 64-bit integer. The low-order bits are returned by the routine, while the high-order bits are stored in the aof_hightime argument.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase