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Model Technology Inc.

Verilog-XL compatible compiler directives

The following compiler directives are provided for compatibility with Verilog-XL.

`default_decay_time <time>

This directive specifies the default decay time to be used in trireg net declarations that do not explicitly declare a decay time. The decay time can be expressed as a real or integer number, or as infinite to specify that the charge never decays.


This directive disables path delays in favor of distributed delays. See Delay modes for details.


This directive sets distributed delays to zero in favor of path delays. See Delay modes for details.


This directive sets path delays to zero and non-zero distributed delays to one time unit. See Delay modes for details.


This directive sets path delays and distributed delays to zero. See Delay modes for details.


This directive is an alternative to the -v, -y, and +libext source library compiler options. See Verilog-XL `uselib compiler directive for details.

The following Verilog-XL compiler directives are silently ignored by ModelSim Verilog. Many of these directives are irrelevant to ModelSim Verilog, but may appear in code being ported from Verilog-XL.


The following Verilog-XL compiler directives produce warning messages in ModelSim Verilog. These are not implemented in ModelSim Verilog, and any code containing these directives may behave differently in ModelSim Verilog than in Verilog-XL.


Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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