EDA Interfaces

2. Set Up a Project with the ModelSim Software (Command-Line)

To set up a project for use with the Model Technology ModelSim® PE or SE (non-OEM) software using command-line commands:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 1. Set Up the ModelSim Working Environment.

  2. If you are performing a timing simulation, to generate the Verilog Output File (.vo) or VHDL Output File (.vho):

    1. Specify EDA tool settings in the Quartus® II software.

    2. Compile the design with the Quartus II software. More Details

    1. If you want to perform power estimation, make sure you turn on Generate Power Input File in the Verilog HDL/VHDL Output Settings dialog box.

    2. If you are performing a bus functional model simulation of an ARM®-based Excalibur design, make sure the Output Excalibur stripe as a single module/entity is turned off in the Verilog HDL/VHDL Output Settings dialog box. If you are performing a full stripe model simulation, make sure the option is turned on.

  3. Start the ModelSim software.

  4. To specify the project directory, type the following command at the ModelSim prompt:

    cd <path to project directory> Enter

    NOTE If you are performing a functional simulation, the project is the directory that contains your design files. Ilf you are performing a timing simulation, the project directory will be the <Quartus II project directory>\simulation\modelsim directory.

  5. To create a new work library, type the following command at the ModelSim prompt:

    vlib work Enter

    NOTE When you run ModelSim software independently from the Quartus II software, you should name your library work. When you run the ModelSim software automatically from the Quartus II software, your library is automatically named ModelSim_work under the current Quartus II project directory.

  6. If you are performing a bus functional model functional simulation of an ARM-based Excalibur design, generate the bus functional model simulation files.

  7. If you are performing a full stripe model functional simulation of an ARM-based Excalibur design, specify the path to the Excalibur PLI models by adding the following line to the modelsim.ini file, or to the <project name>.mpf ModelSim project file, under the VSIM section after the Veriuser comments line:

    Veriuser = $MG_LIB/mti_modelsim_verilog/libmgmm.so

  8. If you are performing a functional simulation, proceed to one of the following steps:

  9. If you are performing a timing simulation, proceed to one of the following steps:

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