EDA Interfaces

Generate Power Input File

Directs the Quartus® II software to include power estimation information in the Verilog Output File (.vo) or VHDL Output File (.vho) for a Verilog HDL or VHDL design after compiling the design in the Quartus II software. You can then perform a simulation in the ModelSim® software to generate power estimation data.

Once you have simulated the design in the ModelSim software, a Power Input File (.pwf) is generated for the design and placed in the \<project directory>\simulation\modelsim directory. You can then use this file for performing power estimation of the design in the Quartus II Simulator.

NOTE This option is available for use with only APEX 20KE, APEX 20KC, ARM®-based Excalibur, and Mercury devices.

- PLDWorld -


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