Report Window

tpd Requirements Section (Compilation Report)

Reports the timing analysis results for any specified tPD timing requirements. The Timing Analyzer generates a tpd Requirements section for all designs that include valid project-wide or individual tPD requirements. The tpd Requirements section reports the timing analysis results in a resizable, multicolumn table. The tpd Requirements section lists the specified tPD requirement(s), the actual tPD achieved, and the 10 worst-case slack times. A positive slack value, displayed in black, indicates the margin by which a timing requirement was achieved. A negative slack value, displayed in red, indicates the margin by which the requirement was not achieved. You can increase or decrease the number of timing requirement paths displayed in the report by specifying options in the Timing Analysis Reporting page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

The following figure shows an excerpt from the tpd Requirements section of a sample design:

You can select a source or destination node name in the tpd Requirements section and choose List Paths (right button pop-up menu) to display the delay paths associated with the selected node. When you choose the List Paths command, the time increments that comprise the delay path appear in the Messages window. You can locate the source of a delay path in the Last Compilation floorplan by double-clicking the delay path message in the Messages window. The delay path information is displayed using the following syntax:

Slack time is <delay value> ns between source pin <name> and destination pin <name> + Longest pin to pin requirement is <tPD requirement> ns - Shortest pin to pin delay is <actual tPD> ns 1:+ IC(<interconnect delay>) + CELL(<cell delay>) = <cumulative delay>;Loc. = <location>; <node type> = <node name>

The Timing Analyzer calculates the tPD slack using the following equation:

tPD slack = <required maximum point-to-point time> - <actual maximum point-to-point time>

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