Report Window

RSKM (Receiver Input Skew Margin) Section (Compilation Report)

Reports the receiver input skew margin (RSKM) for the data pin, receiver channel, and clock in each LVDS circuit in the design. RSKM is the time margin available before the LVDS receiver megafunction fails to operate. RSKM is defined as the total time margin that remains after subtracting the sampling window (SW) size and the transmitter channel-to-channel skew (TCCS) from the time unit interval (TUI). The RSKM information is displayed in a resizable, multicolumn table. You can click the + icon next the data pin name to expand the table and display the receiver channel and clock names in the LVDS circuit.

The following figure shows an excerpt from the RSKM section of a sample design:

You can select a data pin, receiver channel, or clock name in the RSKM section and choose List Paths (right button pop-up menu) to display the TCCS, sampling window, and TUI values used in RSKM calculations. The path information is displayed using the following syntax:

LVDS receiver input skew margin for data pin <name>, LVDS receiver channel <name>, and clock <name> is <time> ns LVDS channel-to-channel skew is <time> ns LVDS sampling window size is <time> ns LVDS time unit interval is <time> ns

The Timing Analyzer calculates RSKM using the following formula:

RSKM = (TUI - SW - TCCS) /2

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