EDA Interfaces

2. Perform Timing Verification with the PrimeTime Software

To perform a timing verfication of a Quartus® II–generated Verilog Output File (.vo) or VHDL Output File (.vho) and the corresponding Standard Delay Format Output File (.sdo) with the Synopsys® PrimeTime software:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 1. Set Up the PrimeTime Working Environment.
  2. To generate the Verilog Output File or VHDL Output File:

    1. Specify EDA tool settings in the Quartus II software.

    2. Compile the design with the Quartus II software.

    1. During compilation, the Quartus II software generates a <design name>_pt_v.tcl or <design name>_pt_vhd.tcl TCL Script File (.tcl) which sets up the PrimeTime environment for performing a timing verification, and places it in the \<project directory>\timing\primetime\ directory.  More Details

    2. If you specified settings in the HardCopy Settings page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu) before compilation, the Quartus II software generates a HardCopy File, <current project name>_pt_hcpy_v.tcl, and and places in the \<current project>\hardcopy directory. You can use this TCL Script File for timing verification with the PrimeTime software.

  3. Start the PrimeTime software in command-line mode by typing pt_shell  at the command prompt.
  4. Source the TCL Script File by typing source <design name>_pt_(v | vhd).tcl  at the PrimeTime shell prompt.

  5. To set the mode of operation for the PrimeTime memory models for RAM ATOMs, use either the read_during_write mode or the no_read_during_write mode (default is read_during_write) by typing one of the following commands at the PrimeTime shell prompt:

    Device Family Commands for Setting the Mode of Operation
    APEX 20K, APEX 20KC, and APEX 20KE

    set_mode read_during_write | no_read_during_write *.apexmem 


    set_mode read_during_write | no_read_during_write *.apexiimem 

    ACEX® 1K or FLEX 10KE

    set_mode read_during_write | no_read_during_write *.flex10kemem 


    set_mode read_during_write | no_read_during_write *.mercurymem 

  6. Perform a timing verification using the PrimeTime software.

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