EDA Interfaces

1. Set Up the PrimeTime Working Environment

To use the Quartus® II software with the Synopsys® PrimeTime software, you must install the Quartus II software and establish an environment that facilitates processing designs. The Quartus II/PrimeTime interface is installed automatically when you install the Quartus II software.

  1. Make sure you have installed the following versions of the Quartus II software and the PrimeTime software:

  2. Synopsys Altera®
    version 2000.05
    Quartus II
    version 2.2

    This version of the PrimeTime software supports all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software except ARM®-based Excalibur devices.

    Note: The Quartus II Software Release Notes are available on the Altera web site and provide up-to-date information on which versions of Synopsys software applications are supported by the current version of the Quartus II software. The Quartus II readme.txt file provides information on installation and operating requirements. You should read the Release Notes and readme.txt file before installing the Quartus II software. After installation, you can open the Release Notes and readme.txt file from the Quartus II Help menu.

  3. To set up your working environment for the Quartus II/PrimeTime software interface:

  4. NOTE: (For UNIX workstations only) The information presented here assumes that you are using the C shell and that your Quartus II system directory is /usr/quartus. If not, you must use the appropriate syntax and procedures to set environment variables for your shell.

    1. Add the /usr/quartus/bin directory to the PATH environment variable in your .cshrc file in order to run the Quartus II software.

    2. Source your .cshrc file by typing source .cshrc ENTER at the UNIX prompt.
  5. To continue with the PrimeTime timing verification flow, proceed to 2. Perform Timing Verification with the PrimeTime Software.

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