EDA Interfaces

2. Create Stamp Model Files with the Quartus II Software

To create board-level Stamp model files for use with the Innoveda BLAST or Mentor Graphics® Tau timing analysis tools:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 1. Set Up the BLAST Working Environment or 1. Set Up the Tau Working Environment.

  2. Create a new project or open an existing project.

  3. Specify EDA tool settings. Make sure you select Stamp (board model) in the Tool name list of the EDA Tool Settings page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

  4. To create the <design name>_board.data and <design name>_board.mod Stamp model files, compile the design.

  5. NOTE The Quartus® II software places the <design name>_board.data and <design name>_board.mod Stamp model files in the \<project name>\timing\stamp directory. If you have already compiled the design, and want to specify different EDA tools settings and generate output files without recompiling the design, you can use the EDA Tool Post-Compilation Commands > Write Output Netlists command (Processing menu).

  6. To continue with the BLAST/Tau timing verification flow, proceed to one of the following steps:

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