EDA Interfaces

3. Perform a Timing Verification with the Tau Software

You can use the Mentor Graphics® Tau timing analysis software to perform timing verification of a board-level design by importing the Stamp model for the design into the Tau software.

To import a Stamp model into the Tau software and perform a timing verification:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 2. Create Stamp Model Files with the Quartus® II Software.

  2. To run the taulib utility from within the \<project>\timing\stamp directory and bring up the Tau Library Editor window, type taulib ENTER at the command prompt.

  3. To import the Stamp model, choose Import Stamp Model (File menu) and select <design name>_board.mod.

  4. To import the timing information, click the Cell Timing tab and click the box to the left of the <design name>_board file.

  5. Choose Import Stamp Data (File menu). The Specify How to Import Stamp Data dialog box appears.

  6. Click Browse... and select the <design name>_board.data file.

  7. Perform timing verification in the Tau software.

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