
HardCopy files

Files that contain timing requirements for a HardCopy design. The Quartus® II software generates these files from timing requirement information in the design on which the HardCopy design is based. The design the Quartus II software uses to generate HardCopy files can be for one of the following APEX 20KC, APEX 20KE, or APEX II devices:

The HardCopy files also contain timing requirements, such as the minimum required tCO, that are not available for Quartus II designs, but are necessary for converting the designs for HardCopy devices. You can use the Quartus II software to specify these timing requirements.

The following files are the HardCopy files that the Quartus II software generates and places in the \<current project>\hardcopy directory:

You can use the Quartus II software to include HardCopy files in the Quartus II Archive File (.qar) that is used when converting a design for a HardCopy device.

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