EDA Interfaces

3. Create a Design For Use with the Design Compiler Software

You can create Verilog HDL design files with the Quartus® II Text Editor or another standard text editor for use with the Synopsys® Design Compiler software.

To create a Verilog or VHDL design for use with the Design Compiler software, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 1. Set up the Design Compiler Working Environment.

  2. Instantiate logic functions with a Component Instantiation, and include a Module Declaration (Verilog) or Component Declaration (VHDL) for each function. Altera® provides simulation models for the following types of logic functions:

  3. Note:
    1. If you instantiate a "black box" logic function for which no simulation/techology library support is available, create a hollow-body design description in order to prevent the Design Compiler from issuing a warning message.

    2. If you instantiate a "black box" logic function, you must create a Library Mapping File (.lmf) to map the function to an equivalent Quartus II function before you compile the project with the Quartus II software.

  4. To continue with the Design Compiler design flow, continue to 4. Synthesize & Optimize a Design with the Design Compiler Software.

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