EDA Interfaces

4. Synthesize & Optimize a Design with the Design Compiler Software

The Quartus® II Compiler can process a VHDL or Verilog HDL file that the Synopsys® Design Compiler software synthesized, saved as an EDIF 2 0 0 netlist file, and imported into the Quartus II software.

To synthesize and optimize a VHDL or Verilog HDL design with the Design Compiler software for use with the Quartus II software:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 3. Create a Design for Use with the Design Compiler Software.

  2. To start the Design Compiler software and to work within the graphical user interface, type the following commands at the command prompt:

  3. dc_shell Enter
    design_analyzer Enter

  4. Analyze and then compile the design with the Design Compiler or Design Analyzer software. The VHDL Compiler or HDL Compiler for Verilog software automatically translates the design into Synopsys database (.db) format. For some types of projects, you must follow these steps before you process the design:

    1. If you are compiling an ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K, APEX 20KC, APEX 20KE, APEX II, Cyclone, FLEX 10KE, Mercury, Stratix, and Stratix GX designs, that includes RAM or ROM functions:

      1. (VHDL designs only) Because the VHDL Compiler software does not support the data type string for the Generic Clause, enter the following command at the dc_shell prompt before you read the design:

      2. hdlin_translate_off_skip_text=true Enter

      3. The timing model (.lib) generated by the genmem utility contains pin-to-pin delay information the Design Compiler software can use. Add this timing model to the existing library so that the compiler can access the timing information. Refer to the following table and type one of the commands at the dc_shell prompt:

      4. Device Family Commands for Adding Timing Models to the Existing Libraries
        ACEX 1K read -f db acex1k.db Enter
        update_lib acex1k <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        APEX 20K read -f db apex20k-3.db Enter
        update_lib apex20k-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        APEX 20KC read -f db apex20kc-3.db Enter
        update_lib apex20kc-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        APEX 20KE read -f db apex20ke-3.db Enter
        update_lib apex20ke-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        APEX II read -f db apexii-3.db Enter
        update_lib apexii-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        Cyclone read -f db cyclone.db Enter
        update_lib cyclone <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        FLEX 10KE and ACEX 1K read -f db flex10ke-3.db Enter
        update_lib flex10ke-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        Mercury read -f db mercury-3.db Enter
        update_lib mercury-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        Stratix read -f db stratix-3.db Enter
        update_lib stratix-3 <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter
        Stratix GX read -f db stratixgx.db Enter
        update_lib stratixgx <RAM/ROM function name>.lib Enter

      5. (Optional) To update the flex10k[<speed grade>].db file with the RAM/ROM timing information, refer to the following table and type one of the commands at the dc_shell prompt:

      6. Device Family Commands for Updating the flex10k[<speed grade>].db file with the RAM/ROM Timing Information
        ACEX 1K

        write_lib acex1k -o acex1k.db Enter

        APEX 20K

        write_lib apex20k-3 -o apex20k-3.db Enter

        APEX 20KC

        write_lib apex20kc-3 -o apex20kc-3.db Enter

        APEX 20KE

        write_lib apex20ke-3 -o apex20ke-3.db Enter

        APEX II

        write_lib apexii-3 -o apexii-3.db Enter


        write_lib cyclone -o cyclone.db Enter

        FLEX 10KE and ACEX 1K

        write_lib flex10ke-3 -o flex10ke-3.db Enter


        write_lib mercury-3 -o mercury-3.db Enter


        write_lib stratix-3 -o stratix-3.db Enter

        Stratix GX

        write_lib stratixgx -o stratixgx.db Enter

      See Instantiating RAM & ROM Functions in VHDL or Instantiating RAM & ROM functions in Verilog HDL for additional information.

    2. (Optional) Enter resource assignments. The Quartus II software allows you to make a variety of resource and device assignments for projects. Resource assignments are used to assign logic functions to a particular pin, logic cell, I/O cell, embedded cell, row, column, Logic Array Block (LAB), Embedded System Block (ESB), Embedded Array Block (EAB), MegaLAB structure, row, column, fast region, custom region, section, chip, clique, local routing, logic option, or timing assignments or requirements. In the Quartus II software, you can enter all types of resource and device assignments with the Assignment Organizer. You can also enter assignments in the Quartus II Floorplan Editor.

    3. For additional information on how the Design Compiler synthesizes and optimizes a design, refer to the Synopsys Design Compiler Reference Manual or Design Analyzer Reference Manual.

  5. (Optional) View the optimized design with the Design Analyzer. The Design Analyzer uses the altera.sdb library to display optimized designs generated by the Design Compiler.

  6. (Optional) To view Synopsys-generated timing information and generate a file detailing primitive usage, type the following commands at the dc_shell prompt:

  7. report_timing Enter
    report_reference > <filename> Enter

  8. Specify EDA tool settings and compile the design in the Quartus II software.

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