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Verilog Design Files (.v) can be combined with other Verilog Design Files, VHDL Design Files (.vhd), Text Design Files (.tdf), Block Design Files (.bdf), and EDIF Input Files (.edf) into a hierarchical project at any level of the project hierarchy. Lower-level files in a project hierarchy can be Altera-provided megafunctions, or user-defined megafunctions or macrofunctions.
The Quartus® II software provides primitives, as well as bus and architecture-optimized megafunctions. You can use Module Instantiations to insert instances of any supported logic function (that is, primitives, megafunctions, and user-defined macrofunctions). If a Verilog Design File contains non-Quartus II function(s) that need to be mapped to Quartus II functions, you must use the Verilog HDL Input page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu) to specify a Library Mapping File (.lmf) for the file.
This section includes the following topics:
- PLDWorld - |
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