Report Window

Device Options Section (Compilation Report)

Displays the following settings made in the Device & Pin Options dialog box, which is available from the Device page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu):

Option (Device Options Section) Option Name (Location) Setting
Auto-restart configuration after error Auto-restart configuration after error (General tab) On | Off
Release clears before tri-states Release clears before tri-states (General tab) On | Off
Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) (General tab) On | Off
Enable device-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) Enable device-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) (General tab) On | Off
Enable device-wide output enable (DEV_OE) Enable device-wide output enable (DEV_OE) (General tab) On | Off
Enable INIT_DONE output Enable INIT_DONE output (General tab) On | Off
Enable LOCK output Enable LOCK output (General tab) On | Off
Auto-increment JTAG user code for multiple configuration devices Automatically increment JTAG user code for multiple configuration devices (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) On | Off
Disable CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pull-ups on configuration device Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) On | Off
Low-voltage mode Low-voltage mode (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) On | Off
Generate Tabular Text File (.ttf) Tabular Text File (.ttf) (Programming Files tab) On | Off
Generate Raw Binary File (.rbf) Raw Binary File (.rbf) (Programming Files tab) On | Off
Generate Hexadecimal Output File (.hexout) Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File (.hexout) (Programming Files tab) On | Off
Configuration Scheme Configuration Scheme (Configuration tab) Passive Serial  |  Passive Parallel Asynchronous  |  Passive Parallel Synchronous |  Fast Passive Parallel
Hexadecimal Output File count direction Count (Programming Files tab) Up | Down
JTAG user code for target device JTAG user code (32-bit hexadecimal) (General tab) <number>
JTAG user code for configuration device Configuration device JTAG user code (32-bit hexadecimal) (Options tab of Configuration Device Options dialog box) <number>
Hexadecimal Output File start address Start address (Programming Files tab) <number>
Reserve nWS, nRS, nCS, CS pins after configuration Dual-purpose pin usage after configuration (nWS, nRS, nCS, CS) (Dual-Purpose Pins tab) Off  |  As input tri-stated  |  As output driving ground  |  As output driving an unspecified signal

NOTE By default, this option is turned off and is not included in the Device Options section.

Reserve RDYnBUSY pin after configuration Dual-purpose pin usage after configuration (RDYnBUSY) (Dual-Purpose Pins tab) Off  |  As input tri-stated  |  As output driving ground  |  As output driving an unspecified signal

NOTE By default, this option is turned off and is not included in the Device Options section.

Reserve Data[7..1] pins after configuration Dual-purpose pin usage after configuration (Data[7..1]) (Dual-Purpose Pins tab) Off  |  As input tri-stated  |  As output driving ground  |  As output driving an unspecified signal

NOTE By default, this option is turned off and is not included in the Device Options section.

Reserve all unused pins Reserve all unused pins (Unused Pins tab) As inputs, tri-stated  |  As outputs, driving ground  |  As outputs, driving an unspecified signal
Configuration device Use configuration device (Configuration tab) If turned on, <configuration device name>
Configuration device auto user code JTAG user code (Configuration tab) On | Off
Auto user code Auto usercode (General tab) On | Off
Base pin-out file on SameFrame device Base the Pin-Out File (.pin) and floorplan package views on the largest selected SameFrame device (Migration devices dialog box from the Device page). On | Off


The following example shows the Device Options section generated for a sample design:

Device Options Section (Compilation Report)

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