
Specifying Configuration Scheme Options

To specify the configuration scheme for configuring the device selected for the current compilation, and to specify other options available with that scheme:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If you have not already done so, specify the current Compiler settings.

  3. Choose Settings (Assignments menu).  Shortcut

  4. In the Category list, select Device under Compiler Settings.

  5. Click Device & Pin Options.

  6. Click the Configuration tab.

  7. In the Configuration scheme list, select the configuration scheme you want to use.

  8. In the Configuration mode list, select the configuration mode you want to use.  Read This First

  9. If you selected Passive Serial in the Configuration scheme list, and you want to use a configuration device to configure the device, turn on Use configuration device under Configuration device options and select a device name in the Use configuration device list.

  10. If you turned on Configuration device, and want to specify configuration device options, click Configuration Device Options.

  11. In the Configuration Device Options dialog box, click the Options tab.

  12. Under JTAG user code settings select Auto usercode or Configuration device JTAG user code and type the 32-bit hexadecimal JTAG user code for the configuration device.

  13. If you want, turn on Automatically increment JTAG user code for multiple configuration devices.

  14. If you want, turn on Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device, Compression mode, or Low-voltage mode.

  15. If you want, specify clock settings for the configuration device under Clock settings.

  16. Click OK.

  17. If you want to reset the configuration scheme and its related options to their original settings, in the Configuration tab click Reset.

  18. Click OK.

  19. Click OK.

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