
Dual-Purpose Pin Usage After Configuration

Specifies whether the associated dual-purpose pin, nWS, nRS, nCS, CS, RDYnBUSY, Data[7..1], Data[0], nCEO, ASDO, or nCSO is reserved, and the purpose for which it is reserved, as indicated with the following options:  More Details

Off The dual-purpose pin is not reserved; instead, it is used as an I/O pin in user mode.
As input tri-stated The dual-purpose pin is reserved as an input pin.
As output driving ground The dual-purpose pin is reserved as an output pin and drives the ground signal.
As output driving an unspecified signal The dual-purpose pin is reserved as an output pin and drives any signal.

Refer to the data sheet for the current device family for more information on dual-purpose configuration pins, which is available from the Literature section of the Altera® web site.

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