
Manipulating Dockable Windows

To dock a floating window:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the window you wish to dock, except on the title bar, and turn on Enable Docking (right button pop-up menu).

  2. Select the title bar of the window, then drag the window to any of the four borders of the Quartus® II main window.


To dock a window floating in the main Quartus II window:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the window you wish to dock, except on the title bar, and turn off Restrict to Main Window (right button pop-up menu).

  2. If you have not already done so, right-click anywhere on the window and turn on Enable Docking (right button pop-up menu).

  3. Select the title bar of the window and drag it to any of the four borders of the Quartus II main window.


To undock a window:

Checkmark Right-click anywhere on the window you wish to undock and turn off Enable Docking (right button pop-up menu).  More Details


To float a dockable window in the main Quartus II window and to enable ordinary window behavior in the dockable window:

Checkmark Right-click anywhere on the window you wish to float and turn on Restrict to Main Window (right button pop-up menu).  More Details


To close a dockable window:


Right-click anywhere on the window you wish to hide and choose Close (right button pop-up menu).


Click the Close button located near the upper-left or upper-right corner of the dockable window.  More Details


To expand or contract a docked window:

Checkmark Click Expand docked window or Contract docked window near the corner of the dockable window.  More Details.


To remove all changes you have made to dockable windows and restore the default settings for the rest of the desktop in the Quartus II software:

  1. Choose Toolbars (Tools menu).  Shortcut

  2. Click the Toolbars tab.

  3. Click Reset All.  Read This First

  4. Click OK.

  5. Exit and restart the Quartus II software to see the restoration of the default settings.  More Details

Alternative Procedure for Resetting the Default Settings for the Desktop

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