
Opening, Rearranging & Closing Windows on Current Files & Applications

To open another window on the current file or application, allowing two different views of the same file or application:

  1. Open a file or an application window (such as a Report window) or select a file or application that is already open.

  2. Choose New Window (Window menu).  More Details


To close all open windows:

Checkmark Choose Close All (Window menu).


To rearrange all open windows so that they overlap, with each title bar visible:

Checkmark Choose Cascade (Window menu).  Shortcut


To rearrange all open windows into non-overlapping windows arranged top-to-bottom on the screen:

Checkmark Choose Tile Horizontally (Window menu).  Shortcut


To rearrange all open windows into non-overlapping windows arranged left-to-right on the screen:

Checkmark Choose Tile Vertically (Window menu).


To move a specific window to the front of the desktop and make it active:

Checkmark Choose 1,2,3, ... 9 (Window menu).  More Details


To move a specific window to the front of the desktop and make it active when you have more than nine windows open:

  1. Choose More Windows (Window menu).

  2. In the Select Window dialog box, select the window you want in the Open windows list.

  3. Click OK.

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