EDA Interfaces

EDA Interfaces Introduction

The Quartus® II software can interface with almost any industry-standard EDA tool that generates an EDIF 2 0 0 netlist file, a VHDL 1987 netlist file, VHDL 1993 netlist file, or a Verilog HDL netlist file. You can create a design with a standard EDA tool or with the Quartus II Text Editor, compile it with the Quartus II Compiler, and perform timing analysis with the Quartus II Timing Analyzer or a standard timing analysis tool. After compilation, you can simulate the design with the Quartus II Simulator, or with a standard simulator. You can then program the device with Altera® programming software and hardware.

You can create and then compile Quartus II–compatible designs in several ways:

Any Quartus II project can include one or more EDIF Input Files, VHDL Design Files, Verilog Design Files, VQM Files, Block Design Files (.bdf), and/or TDFs.

The Compiler can generate one or more output files for use with other industry-standard design verification tools:

The Compiler also generates a file for timing simulation or timing analysis with the Quartus II Simulator or Timing Analyzer, respectively. In addition, it generates one or more programming files that you can use to program devices with the Quartus II Programmer and other Altera programming hardware.

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