
Verilog Quartus Mapping File (.vqm)

An ASCII text file (with the the extension .vqm) that is generated either by using the Synplicity Synplify software or by the Quartus® II software when you turn on Incremental Synthesis in the Synthesis page in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu), and then compile the design. A VQM File is an atom-based Verilog HDL netlist file that defines all logic for a Synplify design or for a particular compilation focus when used as a part of an incremental compilation, using a subset of Verilog HDL constructs.

When generated from an incremental compilation in the Quartus II software, the VQM File is placed in the <project directory>\atom_netlists\ directory. You can then use the VQM File by creating and then compiling a new project for the file.

You can use the Synplicity Synplify software to convert a VHDL or Verilog HDL design file created with the Synplicity Synplify software to a VQM File that can be processed using the Quartus II Compiler. Altera® recommends that you do not edit the VQM File directly.

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