
Name & Setting

Allows you to select an assignment name and setting for the specified nodes and entities.

Name Setting
DSP Block Balancing Auto | Off | DSP blocks | Logic Elements | Simple Multiplier | Width 18-bit Multipliers | Simple 18-bit Multipliers
Enable Bus-Hold Circuitry On|Off
Ignore CARRY Buffers On|Off
Ignore CASCADE Buffers On|Off
Ignore GLOBAL Buffers On|Off
Ignore LCELL Buffers On|Off
Ignore ROW GLOBAL Buffers On|Off
Ignore SOFT Buffers On|Off
Maximum Fan-Out <integer>
Netlist Optimizations Never Allow | Always Allow | Default
NOT Gate Push-Back On|Off
PCI I/O On|Off
Power-Up High On|Off
Preserve Registers On|Off
Prevent Assignment to LogicLock Regions On
Remove Duplicate Registers On|Off
Slow Slew Rate On|Off
State Machine Processing On|Off
Turbo Bit On|Off
Weak Pull-Up Resistor On|Off

See the Description field for a description of parameter assignments.

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