EDA Interfaces

Altera Functional Simulation Libraries

The following directories are the functional simulation libraries, located in the <Quartus® II installation directory>\eda\sim_lib directory:


Libraries that contain simulation models for Altera® library of parameterized modules (LPM) version 2 2 0.

For VHDL 93-compliant designs, use 220model.vhd. For VHDL 87-compliant designs, use 220model_87.vhd.


Libraries that contains VHDL Component Declarations for the 220model.vhd library.


Libraries that contain simulation models for Altera-specific megafunctions.

For VHDL 93-compliant designs, use altera_mf.vhd. For VHDL 87-compliant designs, use altera_mf_87.vhd.

The precompiled altgxb library is provided for functional simulation of Stratix GX designs that contain the altgxb megafunction. It is located in the \<Quartus II installation directory\eda\sim_lib\<tool name> directories, where <tool name> can be modelsim, ncsim, scirocco, vcs, or verilog_xl.

NOTE If your design contains the altgxb megafunction, you must set the value of the pll_areset signal to start high in the test bench or waveform file for the design. If the megafunction does not instantiate a GXB transmitter PLL, you must set the values of the rxanalogreset and rxdigitalreset signals to start high.

The following libraries are VITAL-Compliant functional simulation libraries for use with designs synthesized with the Synopsys® Design Compiler software:

The \quartus\eda\synopsys\sim\vhdl\vital directory contains Altera-provided VHDL simulation models in VITAL 95 format. This library contains functional descriptions of all primitives that appear in Altera-specific technology libraries. These libraries allow you to perform a functional simulation that verifies the netlist structure generated by the Synopsys Design Compiler software. Altera provides the flex.cmp and flex.vhd files in the \quartus\eda\synopsys\sim\vhdl\vital directory.

Similarly, the \quartus\eda\synopsys\sim\verilog\altera directory contains Altera-provided Verilog HDL simulation models for all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software. The altera.v file can be used for simulation with the Cadence Verilog-XL simulator.

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