
Increasing Compilation Speed with the Fast Fit Feature

To use the fast fit feature to increase compilation speed by up to 50% for a design that targets ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, Cyclone, FLEX 10K®, Mercury, Stratix, or Stratix GX devices:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If you have not already done so, specify the current Compiler settings.

  3. If you have not already done so, specify the design entity you want to compile.

  4. Choose Settings (Assignments menu).  Shortcut

  5. In the Category list, select Fitting under Compiler Settings.

  6. To specify that you want to compile with the fast fit feature, select Fast Fit under Compilation speed.


    To specify that you do not want to compile with the fast fit feature, select Standard Fit under Compilation speed/fmax tradeoff.

  7. To limit the number of attempts the Fitter makes, you can select Limit to one fitting attempt.

  8. Click OK.

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