LogicLock Regions

Alternative Procedure for Creating a LogicLock Region

To create a LogicLock region in the LogicLock Regions window:

  1. If you have not already done so, open an existing project.

  2. Choose Settings (Assignments menu).  Shortcut

  3. In the Category list, select Device under Compiler Settings.

  4. Select a specific target device from the APEX 20K, APEX II, ARM®-based Excalibur, Cyclone, Mercury, Stratix, or Stratix GX device families.

  5. Choose LogicLock Regions Window (Assignments menu).

  6. Double-click the <<new>> cell in the Region name column. Shortcut

  7. Type the name of the new region.

  8. Click the cell in the Size column that corresponds to the selected LogicLock region.

  9. If you want to specify a fixed size for the region, select FixedMore Details


    If you want the Quartus® II software to determine an optimal size for the region during compilation, select Auto.  More Details

  10. Click the cell in the State column that corresponds to the selected LogicLock region.

  11. If you specified a fixed size for the region and want to lock its location, select Locked.

  12. Click the cell in the Width column that corresponds to the selected LogicLock region. More Details

  13. Type the size of the LogicLock region width.

  14. Click the cell in the Height column that corresponds to the selected LogicLock region. More Details

  15. Type the size of the LogicLock region height.

  16. Click the cell in the Origin column that corresponds to the selected LogicLock region. More Details

  17. Type the location of the LogicLock region origin.


To delete a LogicLock region:

  1. Select the region that you want to delete.

  2. Choose Delete (right button pop-up menu).


To rename a LogicLock region:

  1. Select the region that you want to rename.

  2. Choose Rename (right button pop-up menu).


To create a child LogicLock region:

  1. Right-click the parent region in the Region name column.

  2. Choose New (right button pop-up menu).

  3. Type the name of the child region.


To create a LogicLock region in the Project Navigator:

  1. Right-click the entity in the Project Navigator window that you want to add to a LogicLock region.

  2. Choose Create New LogicLock Region (right button pop-up menu).


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