Waveform Editor

Overview: Inserting & Overwriting Logic Levels on a Waveform

By inserting and overwriting logic levels in nodes and groups in a waveform file, you can change the logic levels on an entire waveform or a waveform interval and save them in a waveform file used as an input file for simulation.

To overwrite logic levels on a selected waveform or waveform interval you can use the following:

When you overwrite a group waveform with a count value or group value, the waveforms of all individual nodes within an edited group are changed to create the new value. However, when you overwrite a group waveform with a group value, if you enter a logic level that is equivalent to a state name of a group that represents a state machine, the state name is shown instead of the numerical value you enter. If you enter a logic level that is not equivalent to a state name, the logic level is displayed.

To insert waveform intervals containing specific logic levels into a waveform, you can use the Insert Waveform Interval command (Edit menu). The toolbar buttons and the Grow or Shrink command are for overwriting only. If you exceed the file size when you are inserting a logic level, you can either expand the file size or delete another interval of equal length.

Some of these commands apply to groups, buses, state machines, and individual nodes, but not all commands. Certain commands are available for the selected waveform intervals of individual nodes, but not for group waveforms or state machine waveforms. The following table lists the commands that are available and unavailable for groups or state machine waveforms (these commands are available for individual nodes):

Unavailable Commands for Groups or State Machine Waveforms Available Commands
Value > Uninitialized command Value > Forcing Unknown command
Value > Weak Unknown command Value > Forcing Low command
Value > Weak Low command Value > Forcing High command
Value > Weak High command Value > High Impedance command
Value > Don't Care command Value > Invert command

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