Waveform Editor

Growing or Shrinking a Waveform

To grow or shrink a waveform:

  1. Open a waveform file.

  2. If you want, select the waveform interval or intervals that you want to grow or shrink.

  3. Choose Grow or Shrink (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  4. If necessary, in the Original start time and Original end time boxes, type the start and end times of the section of the waveform you want to grow or shrink, and select the time unit.

  5. In the New start time and New end time boxes, type the destination start and end times you want for the section of the waveform after it is stretched or compressed, and in the list, select the time unit.

  6. Turn on or off Apply to all waveforms.

  7. Click OK.

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