Waveform Editor

Overwriting a Count Value on a Waveform

To overwrite a waveform with a specific binary or gray code count value sequence:

  1. Open a waveform file.

  2. Select a waveform or a waveform interval that you want to overwrite.

  3. Choose Value > Count Value (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  4. Click the Counting Tab.

  5. In the Counting Tab, set the radix in the Radix list.

  6. In the Start Value box, type the start value.

  7. In the Increment By box, type the number by which you want to increase the count.

  8. To store the count type as binary or gray code, select either Binary or Gray code under Count Type.

  9. Click the Timing Tab.

  10. In the Start & End Time boxes, type the start time and end times, and select the time unit in the list.

  11. In Transitions Occur list, select when you want transitions to occur.

  12. Click OK.

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