Timing Analyzer

Overview: Using Clock Settings

Clock settings allow you to perform an accurate multiclock timing analysis by defining the timing requirements and relationship of all clock signals in the design.

To define the timing requirements and relationship between the clocks, you must create clock settings that specify the desired frequency requirements and other characteristics of each clock signal. You can create clock settings that specify requirements for "absolute" clocks (not dependent on other clocks) or requirements for "derived" clocks (dependent on other clocks).

After you create the clock settings, you must assign them to the individual clock signals in your project before you can perform multiclock analysis.

The Quartus® II software includes the Timing wizard to help you specify all timing settings, including creating clock settings; or you can create clock settings and assign them to clock signals in the design without using the wizard.

Go to: More information is available on Timing Analysis on the Altera® web site.

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