Timing Analyzer

Cutting Timing Paths

To cut off all instances of certain types of timing paths from the timing analysis:

NOTE You can also specify all timing settings with the Timing wizard.
  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Choose Settings (Assignments menu).  Shortcut

  3. In the Category list, select Other Requirements & Options under Timing Settings.

  4. If you want to cut off the delay that is fed back from a bidirectional pin during timing analysis, turn on Cut off feedback from I/O pins.  More Details

  5. If you want to cut the connections between the timing paths for all preset and clear signals in the project, turn on Cut off clear and preset signal paths.

  6. If you want to cut off the delay from the write enable register through the Embedded System Block (ESB) to any destination register during timing analysis, turn on Cut off read during write signal paths.

  7. If you want to cut the paths between unrelated clock domains from the timing analysis:

    1. In the Category list, select Clocks under Timing Settings.

    2. Turn on Cut paths between unrelated clock domains.

  8. Click OK.

NOTE You can also cut specific timing paths individually by making individual timing assignments.

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