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To perform a timing simulation of a Quartus® IIgenerated Verilog Output File (.vo) and the corresponding Standard Delay Format Output File (.sdo) with the Cadence NC-Verilog software, using command-line commands:
If you have not already done so, perform 1. Set Up the NC-Verilog Working Environment.
To generate the Verilog Output File (.vo):
Specify EDA tool settings in the Quartus II software.
Compile the design with the Quartus II software.
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The Quartus II Compiler generates the Verilog Output File and the SDF Output File and places them in the /<project directory>/simulation/ncsim directory. More Details |
Create a work library in the project directory by typing the following command at the command prompt: More Details
<work library>
Copy the cds.lib and hdl.var files, which are located in the \<NC-Verilog installation directory path>\tools\inca\files\ directory, to the \<project directory>\simulation\ncsim directory.
Edit the cds.lib and hdl.var files as follows:
File Name | File Contents | Function |
cds.lib |
Maps the <work library> to the physical location of the work library. |
hdl.var |
Maps the NC-Verilog variable WORK to the <work library>. |
If your design contains the altgxb
megafunction, add the following lines to the cds.lib file to map to the precompiled Stratix GX timing simulation model libraries:
DEFINE stratixgx_gxb \quartus\eda\sim_lib\ncsim\verilog\stratixgx_gxb
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If your design contains the altgxb megafunction, you must set the value of the pll_areset signal to start high in the test bench or waveform file for the design.
If the megafunction does not instantiate a GXB transmitter PLL, you must set the values of the rxanalogreset and rxdigitalreset signals to start high. |
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When you run the NC-Verilog software automatically after compilation in the Quartus II software, the NC-Verilog software automatically performs steps 4 and 5. |
To compile the appropriate project files and libraries into the work library, type the following commands at the command prompt from within the project directory:
<test bench file>
<project name>.vo
ncvlog \quartus\eda\sim_lib\
<device family>_atoms.v
To elaborate and simulate the design, type the following commands at the command prompt:
<work library>.
<top-level entity name>
<work library>.
<top-level entity name>
- PLDWorld - |
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