
EP1M120 Devices

The EP1M120, a member of the Mercury device family, provides 5,099 registers; 49,152 memory bits; and 120,000 typical gates. It provides eight Clock Data Recovery (CDR) channels with support for the LVDS and LVPECL I/O standards at up to 1.25 Gbps to enable serial backplane and lineside communications applications, such as Gigabit Ethernet, SONET, Fibre Channel, and Firewire. Mercury devices are also suitable for memory functions and complex logic functions such as digital signal processing, wide data-path manipulation, data transformation, and microcontrollers. The high-pin-count EP1M120 device contains an embedded array to implement memory functions and a logic array to implement general logic functions. You can integrate entire systems, including 32-bit buses, into a single EP1M120 device. The EP1M120 device also meets the low-voltage requirements of 1.8-V applications.

The EP1M120 is available in 484-pin FineLine BGA® packages with 293 I/O pins.  (See Note (11))  The device has 4,800 logic elements grouped into 480 LABs. These LABs are arranged into 12 rows and 40 columns. The embedded array consists of 12 Embedded System Blocks (ESBs), each of which provides 4,096 programmable bits and can be split and used as two 2,048-bit unidirectional dual-port RAMs. The ESBs can be configured as look-up-table-based logic or various types of memory, including content-addressable memory (CAM), quad-port RAM, bidirectional dual-port RAM, ROM, and FIFO buffers. The EP1M120 JTAG Instruction Register length is 10; the Boundary-Scan Register length is 1125; and the JTAG ID code is 030000DD.

Each I/O cell contains a bidirectional I/O buffer and three registers for a complete embedded bidirectional I/O element. The I/O element contains individual input, output, and output enable registers. The input register provides fast setup times, the output register provides fast clock-to-output times, and the output enable (OE) register provides fast clock-to-output enable times. The EP1M120 also contains four dedicated clock pins and six fast I/O pins for synchronous control signals with large fan-outs. In addition, all Mercury devices include ClockLock®, ClockBoost®, and ClockShift phase-locked loop (PLL) circuitry.

  1. Preliminary support for new device packages may be available for this device. Pin-outs for devices with preliminary support are subject to change. For information on preliminary device support, refer to Quartus® II Software Release Notes, available on the Altera® web site. For complete information on the EP1M120 device, refer to the current Mercury Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet, which is available from the Literature section of the Altera web site.

  2. Certain pads adjacent to VREF pads cannot be used as outputs, as described in Pin Placement Restrictions for Mercury Devices.

The following table displays the pin-out information for EP1M120 devices:

Function          Pad    Config.                      Row  Col  MegaLAB    I/O        484-Pin  
                  No.    Pin                                    Column     Bank       Fineline

                         Note (10)
I/O 64 HSDI_RX1n 1 6 - 1 B16 I/O 65 HSDI_RX2p 1 10 - 1 A15 I/O 67 HSDI_RX3n 1 12 - 1 B14 I/O 68 HSDI_RX4p 1 16 - 1 A13 I/O 74 HSDI_RX5n 1 26 - 3 B10 I/O 75 HSDI_RX6p 1 30 - 3 A9 I/O 77 HSDI_RX7n 1 32 - 3 B8 I/O 78 HSDI_RX8p 1 36 - 3 A7 I/O 81 HSDI_RX1p 1 7 - 1 A16 I/O 83 HSDI_RX2n 1 9 - 1 B15 I/O 84 HSDI_RX3p 1 13 - 1 A14 I/O 86 HSDI_RX4n 1 15 - 1 B13 I/O 90 HSDI_RX5p 1 27 - 3 A10 I/O 92 HSDI_RX6n 1 29 - 3 B9 I/O 93 HSDI_RX7p 1 33 - 3 A8 I/O 95 HSDI_RX8n 1 35 - 3 B7 I/O 131 VREF1 1 3 - 1 A17 I/O 141 VREF3 1 23 - 3 C10 I/O 168 VREF2 1 3 - 2 AB17 I/O 169 HSDI_TX1p 1 7 - 2 AB16 I/O 171 HSDI_TX2n 1 9 - 2 AA15 I/O 172 HSDI_TX3p 1 13 - 2 AB14 I/O 174 HSDI_TX4n 1 15 - 2 AA13 I/O 177 VREF4 1 23 - 4 AB11 I/O 178 HSDI_TX5p 1 27 - 4 AB10 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 180 HSDI_TX6n 1 29 - 4 AA9 I/O 181 HSDI_TX7p 1 33 - 4 AB8 I/O 183 HSDI_TX8n 1 35 - 4 AA7 I/O 187 HSDI_TX1n 1 6 - 2 AA16 I/O 188 HSDI_TX2p 1 10 - 2 AB15 I/O 190 HSDI_TX3n 1 12 - 2 AA14 I/O 191 HSDI_TX4p 1 16 - 2 AB13 I/O 196 HSDI_TX5n 1 26 - 4 AA10 I/O 197 HSDI_TX6p 1 30 - 4 AB9 I/O 199 HSDI_TX7n 1 32 - 4 AA8 I/O 200 HSDI_TX8p 1 36 - 4 AB7 I/O 242 - 4 2 - 5 B19 I/O 243 - 4 4 - 5 C19 I/O 244 - 4 6 - 5 D18 I/O 245 - 4 8 - 5 C17 I/O 246 - 4 10 - 5 D16 I/O 247 - 4 12 - 5 E13 I/O 257 - 4 32 - 6 C3 I/O 258 - 4 34 - 6 A5 I/O 259 - 4 36 - 6 D6 I/O 260 - 4 38 - 6 E8 I/O 262 - 4 1 - 5 D19 I/O 264 - 4 5 - 5 D17 I/O 266 - 4 9 - 5 F13 I/O 277 - 4 31 - 6 B4 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 278 - 4 33 - 6 B5 I/O 280 - 4 37 - 6 D7 I/O 282 - 4 1 - 5 B18 I/O 283 - 4 3 - 5 C18 I/O 285 - 4 7 - 5 E14 I/O 286 - 4 9 - 5 E15 I/O 298 - 4 33 - 6 C4 I/O 299 - 4 35 - 6 C5 I/O 301 - 4 39 - 6 E10 I/O 303 - 4 3 - 5 E18 I/O 304 - 4 5 - 5 F15 I/O 310 FAST_ROW2 4 17 - 5 H12 I/O 319 - 4 35 - 6 D5 I/O 320 - 4 37 - 6 A6 I/O 322 VREF5 4 2 - 5 F18 I/O 323 - 4 4 - 5 B17 I/O 324 - 4 6 - 5 C16 I/O 333 FAST_ROW1 4 24 - 6 H11 I/O 338 - 4 34 - 6 B3 I/O 339 - 4 36 - 6 A3 I/O 340 - 4 38 - 6 A4 I/O 341 VREF6 4 40 - 6 D4 I/O 382 DATA1 7 2 - 7 J22 I/O 383 DATA2 7 4 - 7 J21 I/O 384 DATA3 7 6 - 7 J20 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 385 INIT_DONE 7 8 - 7 H19 I/O 386 DEV_CLRn 7 10 - 7 H18 I/O 387 DEV_OE 7 12 - 7 H17 I/O 388 - 7 14 - 7 F20 I/O 389 - 7 16 - 7 E19 I/O 390 - 7 18 - 7 K15 I/O 391 FAST6 7 20 - 7 L14 I/O 392 FAST3 7 22 - 8 L9 I/O 393 - 7 24 - 8 H1 I/O 394 - 7 26 - 8 J2 I/O 395 - 7 28 - 8 K3 I/O 396 - 7 30 - 8 G3 I/O 397 - 7 32 - 8 H4 I/O 398 - 7 34 - 8 E5 I/O 399 - 7 36 - 8 E9 I/O 400 LOCK1 7 38 - 8 F3 I/O 401 - 7 40 - 8 J8 I/O 402 DATA4 7 1 - 7 K21 I/O 404 nWS 7 5 - 7 J19 I/O 406 - 7 9 - 7 F21 I/O 407 - 7 11 - 7 H21 I/O 408 - 7 13 - 7 F19 I/O 410 - 7 17 - 7 H13 I/O 411 FAST4 7 19 - 7 K13 I/O 412 FAST2 7 21 - 8 K9 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 414 - 7 25 - 8 G2 I/O 416 - 7 29 - 8 K4 I/O 417 - 7 31 - 8 G11 I/O 418 - 7 33 - 8 F9 I/O 422 - 7 1 - 7 K22 I/O 423 DATA5 7 3 - 7 K20 I/O 425 nCS 7 7 - 7 J18 I/O 426 - 7 9 - 7 F22 I/O 428 - 7 13 - 7 H15 I/O 429 - 7 15 - 7 J17 I/O 431 FAST5 7 20 - 7 K14 I/O 432 FAST_ROW3 7 22 - 8 K11 I/O 433 - 7 23 - 8 J1 I/O 435 - 7 27 - 8 F2 I/O 436 - 7 29 - 8 H3 I/O 438 - 7 33 - 8 J5 I/O 439 - 7 35 - 8 F5 I/O 441 - 7 39 - 8 H7 I/O 443 DATA7 7 3 - 7 L21 I/O 444 nRS 7 5 - 7 K19 I/O 445 RDYnBSY 7 7 - 7 K18 I/O 447 - 7 11 - 7 G20 I/O 449 - 7 15 - 7 L17 I/O 450 - 7 17 - 7 L15 I/O 451 FAST_ROW4 7 19 - 7 K12 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 452 FAST1 7 21 - 8 K10 I/O 453 - 7 23 - 8 L2 I/O 454 - 7 25 - 8 H2 I/O 455 - 7 27 - 8 J3 I/O 457 - 7 31 - 8 L5 I/O 459 - 7 35 - 8 J6 I/O 460 - 7 37 - 8 J10 I/O 461 - 7 39 - 8 K8 I/O 462 VREF7 7 2 - 7 L22 I/O 463 DATA6 7 4 - 7 L20 I/O 464 CLKUSR 7 6 - 7 L19 I/O 465 CS 7 8 - 7 L18 I/O 466 - 7 10 - 7 G21 I/O 467 - 7 12 - 7 M21 I/O 468 - 7 14 - 7 M20 I/O 469 - 7 16 - 7 M19 I/O 470 - 7 18 - 7 L16 I/O 473 - 7 24 - 8 K1 I/O 474 - 7 26 - 8 K2 I/O 475 - 7 28 - 8 L3 I/O 476 - 7 30 - 8 L4 I/O 477 - 7 32 - 8 J4 I/O 478 - 7 34 - 8 K5 I/O 479 - 7 36 - 8 H5 I/O 480 - 7 38 - 8 H6 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 481 VREF8 7 40 - 8 L1 I/O 522 - 10 2 - 9 N22 I/O 523 - 10 4 - 9 N20 I/O 524 - 10 6 - 9 R20 I/O 525 - 10 8 - 9 N18 I/O 526 - 10 10 - 9 N17 I/O 527 - 10 12 - 9 M16 I/O 528 - 10 14 - 9 T12 I/O 529 - 10 16 - 9 R12 I/O 530 - 10 18 - 9 P12 I/O 533 - 10 24 - 10 U1 I/O 534 - 10 26 - 10 M1 I/O 535 - 10 28 - 10 N2 I/O 536 - 10 30 - 10 P3 I/O 537 - 10 32 - 10 R4 I/O 538 - 10 34 - 10 M4 I/O 539 - 10 36 - 10 L6 I/O 540 - 10 38 - 10 L7 I/O 541 - 10 40 - 10 L8 I/O 542 - 10 1 - 9 N21 I/O 544 - 10 5 - 9 N19 I/O 546 - 10 9 - 9 P17 I/O 547 - 10 11 - 9 M15 I/O 548 - 10 13 - 9 N13 I/O 550 - 10 17 - 9 T13 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 554 - 10 25 - 10 U2 I/O 556 - 10 29 - 10 M3 I/O 557 - 10 31 - 10 N4 I/O 558 - 10 33 - 10 M5 I/O 560 - 10 37 - 10 M8 I/O 562 - 10 1 - 9 M22 I/O 563 - 10 3 - 9 R21 I/O 565 - 10 7 - 9 P19 I/O 566 - 10 9 - 9 P18 I/O 568 - 10 13 - 9 N15 I/O 569 - 10 15 - 9 M14 I/O 573 - 10 23 - 10 T1 I/O 575 - 10 27 - 10 M2 I/O 576 - 10 29 - 10 N3 I/O 578 - 10 33 - 10 P5 I/O 579 - 10 35 - 10 P6 I/O 581 - 10 39 - 10 M9 I/O 583 - 10 3 - 9 U22 I/O 584 - 10 5 - 9 P20 I/O 585 - 10 7 - 9 R19 I/O 587 - 10 11 - 9 N16 I/O 589 - 10 15 - 9 R13 I/O 590 FAST_ROW6 10 17 - 9 N12 I/O 593 - 10 23 - 10 N1 I/O 594 - 10 25 - 10 R2 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 595 - 10 27 - 10 R3 I/O 597 - 10 31 - 10 R5 I/O 599 LOCK2 10 35 - 10 U3 I/O 600 - 10 37 - 10 P10 I/O 601 - 10 39 - 10 P11 I/O 602 VREF9 10 2 - 9 P21 I/O 603 - 10 4 - 9 T22 I/O 604 - 10 6 - 9 T21 I/O 605 - 10 8 - 9 T20 I/O 606 - 10 10 - 9 T19 I/O 607 - 10 12 - 9 R14 I/O 608 - 10 14 - 9 R15 I/O 609 - 10 16 - 9 N14 I/O 610 - 10 18 - 9 P13 I/O 613 FAST_ROW5 10 24 - 10 N11 I/O 614 - 10 26 - 10 T2 I/O 615 - 10 28 - 10 T3 I/O 616 - 10 30 - 10 T4 I/O 617 - 10 32 - 10 P4 I/O 618 - 10 34 - 10 N9 I/O 619 - 10 36 - 10 N8 I/O 620 - 10 38 - 10 N10 I/O 621 VREF10 10 40 - 10 P2 I/O 662 VREF11 12 2 - 11 U20 I/O 663 - 12 4 - 11 AA20 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 664 - 12 6 - 11 U14 I/O 665 - 12 8 - 11 Y18 I/O 666 - 12 10 - 11 U15 I/O 667 - 12 12 - 11 W16 I/O 668 - 12 14 - 11 AA11 I/O 669 - 12 16 - 11 Y11 I/O 670 - 12 18 - 11 W11 I/O 671 - 12 20 - 11 Y12 I/O 672 - 12 22 - 12 AB3 I/O 673 - 12 24 - 12 Y3 I/O 674 - 12 26 - 12 Y4 I/O 675 - 12 28 - 12 AA5 I/O 676 - 12 30 - 12 V5 I/O 677 - 12 32 - 12 R6 I/O 678 - 12 34 - 12 R7 I/O 679 - 12 36 - 12 R8 I/O 680 VREF12 12 38 - 12 U9 I/O 682 - 12 1 - 11 Y20 I/O 684 - 12 5 - 11 AB19 I/O 686 - 12 9 - 11 AB18 I/O 687 - 12 11 - 11 T15 I/O 688 - 12 13 - 11 Y14 I/O 690 - 12 17 - 11 W12 I/O 692 - 12 21 - 12 AA3 I/O 694 - 12 25 - 12 Y5 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 696 - 12 29 - 12 U8 I/O 697 - 12 31 - 12 Y8 I/O 698 - 12 33 - 12 W8 I/O 700 - 12 37 - 12 R9 I/O 702 - 12 1 - 11 V21 I/O 703 - 12 3 - 11 W20 I/O 705 - 12 7 - 11 AA19 I/O 706 - 12 9 - 11 W18 I/O 708 - 12 13 - 11 AA17 I/O 709 - 12 15 - 11 W14 I/O 711 - 12 19 - 11 V12 I/O 712 FAST_ROW7 12 21 - 12 U11 I/O 713 - 12 23 - 12 AA4 I/O 715 - 12 27 - 12 W5 I/O 716 - 12 29 - 12 Y6 I/O 718 - 12 33 - 12 V8 I/O 719 - 12 35 - 12 Y10 I/O 722 - 12 3 - 11 V20 I/O 723 - 12 5 - 11 U19 I/O 724 - 12 7 - 11 Y19 I/O 726 - 12 11 - 11 Y17 I/O 728 - 12 15 - 11 Y15 I/O 729 - 12 17 - 11 Y13 I/O 730 FAST_ROW8 12 19 - 11 U12 I/O 732 - 12 23 - 12 W4 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
I/O 733 - 12 25 - 12 AB6 I/O 734 - 12 27 - 12 W6 I/O 736 - 12 31 - 12 Y9 I/O 738 - 12 35 - 12 U10 I/O 739 - 12 37 - 12 W10 I/O 741 - 12 2 - 11 U21 I/O 742 - 12 4 - 11 W21 I/O 743 - 12 6 - 11 Y21 I/O 744 - 12 8 - 11 V19 I/O 745 - 12 10 - 11 W19 I/O 746 - 12 12 - 11 AA18 I/O 747 - 12 14 - 11 W17 I/O 748 - 12 16 - 11 Y16 I/O 749 - 12 18 - 11 W15 I/O 750 - 12 20 - 11 W13 I/O 751 - 12 22 - 12 AB4 I/O 752 - 12 24 - 12 AB5 I/O 753 - 12 26 - 12 AA6 I/O 754 - 12 28 - 12 Y7 I/O 755 - 12 30 - 12 W7 I/O 756 - 12 32 - 12 W9 I/O 757 - 12 34 - 12 V9 I/O 758 - 12 36 - 12 R10 I/O 759 - 12 38 - 12 R11 INPUT/GCLK 70 HSDI_CLK1n - - - 1 A12 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
INPUT/GCLK 71 HSDI_CLK2p - - - 3 A11 INPUT/GCLK 87 HSDI_CLK1p - - - 1 B12 INPUT/GCLK 88 HSDI_CLK2n - - - 3 B11 INPUT/GCLK 251 CLK3p - - - 9 L12 INPUT/GCLK 252 CLK1n - - - 10 M10 INPUT/GCLK 271 CLK3n - - - 9 M12 INPUT/GCLK 272 CLK1p - - - 10 L10 INPUT/GCLK 291 CLK4p - - - 9 L13 INPUT/GCLK 292 CLK2n - - - 10 M11 INPUT/GCLK 311 CLK4n - - - 9 M13 INPUT/GCLK 312 CLK2p - - - 10 L11 Ded. Config Pin 1 DATA0 - - - 13 D20 Ded. Config Pin 2 DCLK - - - 13 E21 Ded. Config Pin 3 CONF_DONE - - - 13 A22 Ded. Config Pin 4 NSTATUS - - - 13 A21 Ded. Config Pin 6 MSEL0 - - - 13 C21 Ded. Config Pin 7 MSEL1 - - - 13 E22 Ded. Config Pin 8 PLLRDY - - - 13 E20 Ded. Config Pin 20 NCONFIG - - - 13 C20 Ded. Config Pin 21 nCE - - - 13 B21 Ded. Config Pin 23 nIO_PULLUP - - - 13 D21 Ded. Config Pin 25 nCEO - - - 13 D22 Ded. Config Pin 158 RES0 - - - - D11 Ded. JTAG Pin 795 TCK - - - 14 AB21 Ded. JTAG Pin 796 TDO - - - 14 Y22 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
Ded. JTAG Pin 797 TRST - - - 14 AB20 Ded. JTAG Pin 798 TDI - - - 14 AA22 Ded. JTAG Pin 800 TMS - - - 14 AB22 PLL Related Pin 12 CLKLK_FB1VREF - - - 10 E1 PLL Related Pin 13 CLKLK_FB1p - - - 10 D1 PLL Related Pin 27 CLKLK_ENA - - - 13 B20 PLL Related Pin 148 CLKLK_OUT1p - - - 14 B1 PLL Related Pin 175 HSDI_TXCLKOUT1p - - - 2 AB12 PLL Related Pin 184 CLKLK_OUT1n - - - 14 C1 PLL Related Pin 193 HSDI_TXCLKOUT1n - - - 2 AA12 PLL Related Pin 701 CLKLK_OUT2n - - - 15 Y1 PLL Related Pin 740 CLKLK_OUT2p - - - 15 AA1 PLL Related Pin 804 CLKLK_FB2VREF - - - 10 V1 PLL Related Pin 805 CLKLK_FB2p - - - 10 W1 VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis A2(6) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis A19(5) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis A20(13) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis D12(4) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis F1(8) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis F6(6) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis F7(3) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis F16(1) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis F17(5) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis G4(8) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis G5(8) Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis G6(8) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis G7(4) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis G18(4) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis G22(7) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis H16(7) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis H20(7) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis H22(7) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis N5(10) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis N6(10) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis N7(10) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis P1(10) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis P22(9) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis R16(9) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis R17(9) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis R18(9) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis U5(12) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis U6(12) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis U7(12) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis U16(11) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis U17(11) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis U18(11) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis V22(11) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis AA21(14) VCCIO I/O bank number in parenthesis AB1(12) VCCINT E6 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
                         Note (10)
VCC_CKLK1 16 - - - - - B2 VCC_CKLK1 18 - - - - - E2 VCC_CKLK1 19 - - - - - D2 VCC_CKLK2 808 - - - - - AA2 VCC_CKLK2 810 - - - - - V2 VCC_CKLK2 811 - - - - - W2 VCC_CKOUT1 129 - - - - 14 C2 VCC_CKOUT2 760 - - - - 15 Y2 GND_CKLK1 17 - - - - - F4 GND_CKLK1 44 - - - - - E4 GND_CKLK1 45 - - - - - E3 GND_CKLK2 793 - - - - - V4 GND_CKLK2 794 - - - - - V3 GND_CKLK2 809 - - - - - U4 GND_CKOUT1 201 - - - - - D3 GND_CKOUT2 681 - - - - - W3 GND A1 GND A18 GND B6 GND B22 GND C6 GND C7 GND C8 GND C9 GND C12 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
GND C13 GND C14 GND C15 GND D8 GND D9 GND D14 GND D15 GND F8 GND F14 GND G1 GND G8 GND G12 GND G14 GND G15 GND H8 GND H9 GND H10 GND H14 GND J9 GND J12 GND J13 GND J14 GND J15 GND K6 GND K16 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)
GND M6 GND M17 GND P7 GND P8 GND P9 GND P14 GND P15 GND P16 GND R1 GND R22 GND T5 GND T8 GND T9 GND T10 GND T11 GND T14 GND T17 GND U13 GND V10 GND V11 GND V13 GND V14 GND V15 GND V17 GND W22 Function Pad Config. Row Col MegaLAB I/O 484-Pin No. Pin Column Bank Fineline
                         Note (10)

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