
Specifying Routing Paths for ARM-Based Excalibur Bridges, Interrupts, and Debug Extensions

To specify routing paths between the embedded processor core and the programmable logic device (PLD) by specifying paths for the Stripe-To-PLD Bridge, Stripe-To-PLD Interrupts, PLD-To-Stripe Interrupts, and embedded processor core debug extensions:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If you have not already done so, specify the current Compiler settings.

  3. If you have not already done so, specify the design entity you want to compile.

  4. Choose Settings (Assignments menu).  Shortcut

  5. In the Category list, select Device under Compiler Settings.

  6. Specify an ARM®-based Excalibur device or any device in the ARM-based Excalibur device family for the current Compiler settings.

  7. Click Routing Options.

  8. Click the EPXA4/10 UPCORE tab.

  9. In the Stripe-To-PLD Bridge list, select a routing path for the device's Stripe-To-PLD Bridge.

  10. In the Stripe-To-PLD Interrupts list, select a routing path for the device's Stripe-To-PLD Interrupts.

  11. In the PLD-To-Stripe Interrupts list, select a routing path for the device's PLD-To-Stripe Interrupts.

  12. In the Processor debug extensions list, select a routing path for the device's embedded processor core debug extensions.

  13. Click OK.

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