Report Window

Register Duplication into I/Os Section (Compilation Report)

Lists information about the register that were duplicated into an I/O cell during fitting. This section appears if you turn on the Fast Output Register or Fast Output Enable Register logic options or set a tco requirement for a register that results in the register being duplicated into an I/O cell. This section is omitted if you did not specify a Cyclone, Stratix, and Stratix GX device for compilation, or if no registers were created, deleted or modified during fitting.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description Value
Node Name Shows the name of the register that was created, deleted or modified during fitting. <node name>
Created/Deleted Shows whether the register was created, deleted or modified during fitting. Created | Deleted | Modified


The following example shows a portion of the Register Duplication into I/Os section generated for a sample design:

Register Duplication into I/Os Section (Compilation Report)

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