
tco Requirement timing assignment

Specifies the maximum acceptable clock-to-output delay to the output pin. The clock-to-output delay is the time required to obtain a valid output at an output pin that is fed by a register after a clock signal transition on an input pin that clocks the register. This time always represents an external pin-to-pin delay. The following table prioritizes each legal assignment type, and shows which paths are affected when assigned. Priority 1 assignments take precedence over priority 2 assignments, and so on. Within a priority level, the most stringent requirement takes precedence. Specifying a point-to-point tco Requirement assignment may increase the time necessary for timing-driven compilation.

Priority Level Assignment Type/Location Affected Path(s)

Point-to-point assignment from register to output or bidirectional pin.

All paths from the register to pin.

Point-to-point assignment from clock to register.

Point-to-point assignment from clock to output or bidirectional pin.

All paths from the clock to the register or pin.

Single point assignment to register.

Single point assignment to output or bidirectional pin.

All paths that feed the register or pin.

4 Single point assignment to a clock. All paths from the clock.
5 Global All remaining paths.

- PLDWorld -


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