Report Window

Global & Other Fast Signals Section (Compilation Report)

Displays global and dedicated fast input signal paths by their signal names, locations, and fan-outs; identifies whether the particular signal is global; and specifies the global resource used. For ACEX® 1K, FLEX 10KE, MAX® 7000 devices, this section also shows the migration pin number if you turn on Base the Pin-Out File (.pin) and floorplan package views on the largest selected SameFrame device and select one or more migration devices in the Migration Devices dialog box, which is available from the Device page in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

The following example shows the Global & Other Fast Signals section generated for all Altera® devices except ACEX 1K, Cyclone, FLEX 10KE, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices:

Global & Other Fast Signals Section (Compilation Report)

The following example shows the Global & Other Fast Signals section generated for a Cyclone, Stratix, or Stratix GX device:

Global & Other Fast Signals Section (Compilation Report)

The following example shows the Global & Other Fast Signals section generated for an ACEX 1K, FLEX 10KE, or MAX 7000 device:

Global & Other Fast Signals Section (Compilation Report)

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