
Help Menu Commands

The Help menu commands provide access to the Quartus® II Help system.

The following commands are available:

Command Action
Index Displays a detailed online index for Quartus II Help. With this command, you can search for and display all Help topics related to a keyword or phrase of interest. Most Help topics are also listed by their titles.
Search Displays the Search tab for Quartus II Help where you can conduct a full text search.
Contents Displays the table of contents for Quartus II Help. You can select one of the topics for more detailed information.
Messages Lists all error, information, and warning messages in alphabetical order and provides information on the possible cause(s) and recommended action(s) for the messages.
Glossary Defines terms used throughout the Quartus II software and documentation.
Megafunctions/LPM Lists megafunctions, including library of parameterized modules (LPM) functions and other parameterized functions for the Quartus II software.
Devices & Adapters Lists Altera® devices and adapters.
EDA Interfaces Describes how the Quartus II software interfaces with many industry-standard EDA tools.
Tutorial Displays the online Quartus II tutorial. This command also resizes the Quartus II window to accommodate side-by-side display with the tutorial.
Readme File Displays the readme.txt File provided with the current version of the Quartus II software.
Release Notes Displays the Release Notes provided with the current version of the Quartus II software.
How to Use Help Describes how to get the most out of Quartus II Help. Information on how Help is organized, getting context-sensitive help, and Altera documentation conventions is included.
Contacting Altera Describes contact information for Altera departments and services. You can also refer to the Altera web site for additional information such as employment opportunities, the Solutions Database, literature, and press releases.
Altera on the Web >
  • Quartus II Home Page
  • Download Quartus II Updates
  • Quartus II Service Request
  • SOPC Builder Home Page
  • Altera IP MegaStore Page
  • Altera Home Page
  • New Quartus II Information
Opens a web browser and displays the appropriate page on the Altera web site for Quartus II support information, Quartus II software downloads, service requests, SOPC Builder, the Altera IP MegaStore, the Altera home page, information messages, new software-related literature, and technical resources.
About Quartus II Opens the About Quartus II dialog box, which displays information about the Quartus II version number, service pack number, copyright, and patents.

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