
Specifying Linker Settings

To specify software toolset linker settings:

NOTE You can also specify these software build settings with the Software Build Settings wizard.

  1. Create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If you have not already done so, specify the directory for the ADS Standard Tools, GNUPro for ARM®, or GNUPro for Nios® software toolset.

  3. Specify software build settings.

  4. Choose Settings (Assignments menu). Shortcut

  5. In the Category list, select CPU under Software Build Settings.

  6. In the Software toolset list, select ADS Standard Tools, GNUPro for ARM, or GNUPro for Nios.

  7. In the Output file format list, select Binary File (.bin), Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex), or Motorola S-Record File (.srec).

  8. In the Category list, select Linker.

  9. If you want the linker to use Library Files (.a) and/or object files that are not in the selected software toolset's default libraries, type the file names in the Object/library modules box.

  10. If you want the linker not to use the Library Files and object files that are included in the selected software toolset's default libraries, turn on Ignore all default libraries.

  11. If you specified Library Files and object files in the Object/library modules box, and the files are not in the current Quartus® II project directory, type the names of the directories that contain the files in the Additional library directories box.

  12. Under Link type, select Simple or Custom link script.

  13. If you selected Simple under Link type, turn on Entry symbol name/address, Read-only base address, and/or Read/write base address, and type addresses for the options you turn on.

  14. If you selected Custom link script under Link type, type the name of the script file you want the linker to use, or select a script file with Browse (...).

  15. In the Command-line options box, type any additional options you want the linker to use during the software build..

  16. Click OK.

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