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The Excalibur Stripe Simulator (ESS) allows the integration of hardware and software with ARM®-based Excalibur devices during functional hardware simulation and software and hardware co-simulation. ESS emulates the full function of the Excalibur embedded processor core, allowing closer to real-time simulation of the instructions executed on the processor and stripe registers as well as the Stripe-to-PLD and PLD-to-Stripe bus transactions.
You can use ESS with the Model Technology ModelSim® PE or SE software to perform both a functional hardware simulation to model the Stripe-to-PLD and PLD-to-Stripe bridges and PLD interface, and for software and hardware co-simulation, by connecting the AXD software debugger to the Excalibur embedded processor core to control the execution of the software code while simulating the hardware design in the ModelSim software. The AXD software debugger is provided as a part of the ARM® Development Suite (ADS).
You can use the ESS model to simulate Verilog designs with the ModelSim PE/SE (non-OEM) and ModelSim-Altera® (OEM) software, and simulate VHDL designs with the ModelSim SE software. The ESS model can be targeted from the AXD, ADW, Mentor Graphics® XRAY, and GNUPro arm-elf-gdb software debuggers on PCs, and the GNUPro arm-elf-gdb debugger on Solaris workstations. Refer to the following table for versions of the ModelSim software and software debuggers supported by the ESS model:
Operating System | ModelSim Software | Software Debugger |
PC |
ModelSim-Altera and ModelSim PE for Verilog designs ModelSim SE for Verilog or VHDL designs |
ARM Developer Suite (ADS), AXD, ADW, Mentor Graphics XRAY, and GNUPro arm-elf-gdb software debuggers |
Solaris |
ModelSim-Altera and ModelSim PE for Verilog designs ModelSim SE for Verilog or VHDL designs |
GNUPro arm-elf-gdb software debugger |
The following steps describe the typical flow for performing both hardware and software and hardware co-simulation with ESS and the ModelSim software on PCs:
Set Up a Project with the ModelSim Software for Use with the ESS Model
Perform a Functional Simulation with the ESS Model and the ModelSim Software
Set Up a Functional Co-Simulation with the ESS Model and the ModelSim Software
Perform a Functional Co-Simulation with the ESS Model, ModelSim Software, and AXD Debugger
Perform a Functional Co-Simulation with the ESS Model, ModelSim Software, and GDB Debugger
For more information on ESS, running ESS as an instruction set simulator with a software debugger, performing both hardware and software and hardware co-simulation with ESS and the ModelSim software on Solaris workstations, and using the GNUPro arm-elf-gdb software debugger, refer to the readme.txt and Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide, which are located in the \<Quartus® II installation directory>\eda\sim_lib\excalibur\docs directory.
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