
Excalibur Stripe Simulator (ESS)

The Excalibur Stripe Simulator (ESS) model is a fast stripe simulation model that emulates the function of the Excalibur embedded processor core, stripe registers, and Stripe-to-PLD and PLD-to-Stripe bus transactions for simulation of ARM®-based Excalibur designs.

ESS has a functionally accurate model of the ARM® 922T processor; watchdog timer, timer and interrupt controller; an embedded UART; an interface to the PLD. It supports booting from flash memory and configuration from serial files loaded into on-chip memory and has an interface to the ARM Development Suite (ADS) AXD and AWD software debuggers and the GDB GNU debugger.

You can use ESS as an instruction set simulator in conjunction with a software debugger, piping the output to a terminal emulator, or by instantiating it in a Verilog or VHDL design, and using the ModelSim® software to perform a functional simulation. You can also perform functional co-simulation with the ModelSim software and the AXD debugger.

For more information on ESS, refer to the Fast Stripe Simulation User Guide, which is located in the \<Quartus® II installation directory>\eda\sim_lib\excalibur\docs directory.

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